Shirley's Blog Summer Classics

 Well it is the end of April…. And the weather? Let’s forget that at present.
This month for those of you who enjoy my monthly rambles I thought I would focus not so much on trends and current fashions but more on the emphasis of having three or four core pieces in your wardrobe. By this I mean classic, top fabrics and often rather plain options.

e.g a couple of basics that are very important for summer are either a a full length pant ¾ or short depending on your preference. A straight simple linen skirt is also another option. Two or more classic styled tops or teeshirts are a must and into this category I would also add a shirt… These are now going to feature strongly over the summer and into the following sping and summer season.   
  All of these garments should be able to be worked back against each other thus giving a comprehensive choice and a few variable choices in your wardrobe.
 Jackets are also in the must haves this summer, denim and linen fabrics make for great jackets but if you are not into these then simplistic little cardigans are very popular.
This weather has prevented our two little Daxies from getting out into the sunlight this last week so hence a pic- hunkering down together battling earthquakes & rain. Brave little girls eh?
Regarding the earthquakes that we have endured the team at Cutewe send their best wishes to everyone affected not an easy time for many.


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