8 Foundations That Double as Instagram Filters

Harsh office lighting, a dimly lit dive bar, or dark under eye circles the morning after a late night, there's an Instagram filter you can use to hide that. When you're offline, a foundation with a light-diffusing, soft-focus is your alternative. Because let's face it: Although we all want a clear, perfect complexion 24/7, very few of us were actually born with good skin genes, or follow the healthy lifestyle that's needed to keep our complexions flawless.These pore-blurring, imperfection-masking, smoothing foundations are the equivalent of editing your photos with your favorite filter—except, instead of asking what app you used, everyone will want to know the secrets of your skincare routine. 1. SMASHBOX PHOTO FILTER POWDER FOUNDATION Powder often gets the blame for causing "ghostface" in photos, but this creamy foundation smooths over discoloration, uneven texture, and blemishes without adding any flashback. Basically, every snap you take on nights...